Fujian’s Deputy Secretary and Governor Zhao Long Visited Industrial Bank for Financial and Taxation Work

Date: April 10, 2024 Source: Fujian Daily

On April 10, Zhao Long, Deputy Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Committee and Governor of Fujian, visited the Fujian Provincial Tax Service of the State Taxation Administration, the Fujian Provincial Branch of the People’s Bank of China, and Industrial Bank to conduct a specialized investigation into financial and taxation work. He emphasized the importance of deeply studying and implementing the spirit of the important speeches and directives of General Secretary Xi Jinping, earnestly carrying out the deployments of the Central Financial Work Conference and the provincial committee’s requirements. He stressed that the primary task is to maintain high-quality development, strive to enhance the quality and effectiveness of financial services to the real economy, and better play the foundational, pillar, and protective role of taxation. This effort is to demonstrate greater achievements in advancing Chinese-style modernization practices in Fujian.

As one of the first joint-stock commercial banks established in 1988, Industrial Bank has grown into a systematically important bank in China. During his visit, Zhao Long inspected the Bank’s Technology Operations Center and the Historical Museum, where he gained a detailed understanding of the Bank’s entrepreneurial journey, technological innovations, achievements, and digital infrastructure. He emphasized that Industrial Bank was born from reform and thrives on it, carrying the essence of reform in its operations. He recalled the earnest instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, urging the Bank to remain true to its original aspirations and to forge ahead with determination. He highlighted the need for the Bank to maintain its consciousness of reform and innovation, uphold the spirit of hard work, further root itself in Fujian, expand nationwide, and continue to grow and improve in quality. He underscored the importance of implementing the significant directives of General Secretary Xi Jinping concerning financial work, adhering to the fundamental mission of serving the real economy, and enhancing support for sectors such as new quality productivity, specialized and sophisticated enterprises, the private economy, coastal-hinterland collaboration, rural revitalization, public welfare, and key projects. He called for high-quality financial services to support the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Fujian. Zhao stressed the need for continuous improvement in corporate governance, strengthening risk control mechanisms, solidly addressing key area risks, and contributing to regional financial stability. He insisted on the adherence to the Party’s leadership, enhancing institutional building, strategically appointing skilled financial management personnel, fostering a positive, united corporate culture, and steadfastly pursuing a path of financial development with Chinese characteristics. Relevant departments were urged to refine working mechanisms, increase support, provide convenient services, and help various financial institutions achieve better and greater development in Fujian.