Leveraging Investment Banking Strengths, Industrial Bank Expands into New Horizons in Green and Pension Finance

Recently, Industrial Bank’s Shanghai branch, through a brokerage introduction business model, facilitated insurance funds to invest in the Chongming Dongtan CCRC ongoing elderly community project in Shanghai. The project, with a total scale of RMB 1.2 billion and an investment period of 15 years, embodies both green and elderly care attributes.

The project not only aligns with the principles of green development, receiving the highest domestic G1 green rating from evaluation agencies, but also supports the construction of the Chongming ecological island and the development of the Dongtan Ecological Demonstration Zone. Additionally, it meets the needs of a socialized elderly service system, complements the “basic” public pension service system, and plays an exploratory and leading role in the development of the elderly care industry.

Investment Banking is one of the “Three Pillars of Our Businesses” that Industrial Bank continues to enhance. In recent years, the Bank has deepened its “Commercial + Investment Bank” strategy. By linking the brokerage introduction business with the “inter-bank circle of friends” and advancing the “Five Major Areas,” it has expanded the development space for Green Banking and actively explored pension finance service models, meeting diverse customer financing needs with a variety of products. In 2023, the Bank’s green investment banking facilitated financing of RMB 152.93 billion for clients.

In a similar development in Henan, Industrial Bank’s Zhengzhou branch brokered and introduced external insurance funds to a new energy battery infrastructure investment project, with a registered scale of RMB 2 billion, helping to introduce world-class advanced new energy production lines to the region and injecting financial dynamism into the green upgrade of the regional industry.

“Moving forward, Industrial Bank will further leverage its Investment Bank advantages, deepen the construction of the investment banking ecosystem, and integrate the ‘Five Major Areas’ with the ‘Five New Tracks’ to make a greater contribution to the development of new quality productivity and the advancement of Chinese-style modernization,” stated the head of Investment Banking at Industrial Bank.