CIB Helps Oriental Energy Launches the First ESG Report under Guidelines of CSRC

Recently, Oriental Energy launched the “Sustainable Development Report of Oriental Energy (2023)”. Based on “Self-Regulatory Guidelines No.17 for Companies Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange—Sustainability Report (For Trail Implementation)” (Guidelines), it’s the first A-share ESG report, co-composed by Oriental Energy and CIB Research Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of CIB, playing an important role in establishing ESG systems and the information disclosure.

Oriental Energy, the forerunner that utilizes PDH technologies to produce propylene, has been actively exploring the management and disclosure of ESG. Taking advantages of its own and benchmarking the supervision policies, with CIB’s help, Oriental Energy creates a standard ESG system of sustainable disclosure and internal management.

It has been reported that Guidelines launched by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on April 12, 2024, further clean up sustainable disclosure of the listed companies. Since its implementation from May 1st, according to the three dimensions of ESG, CIB has established 21 subjects around environment, society, and governance related to sustainable development, made the requirement of each subject clear and planned for the transition period.

 As the pioneer and leader in the ESG field, in recent years, CIB has continuously strengthened its management and establishment of ESG. Its ESG evaluation of MSCI has been ungraded to AA level from A level, ranking first among domestic banks for five consecutive years. At the same time, according to the international ESG concepts and methods, CIB voluntarily develops a tool for evaluating the ESG systems for customers. By the CIB Carbon Financial Research Center, CIB continuously observes the ESG investment in the capital market and development of domestic and foreign ESG policies, actively participates in frontline research and consultations including soliciting opinions on composing policies related to ESG and the establishment of the ESG elevation system to exert important influences.