With the Derun Industry Park Invested by Taiwan Businessmen in Quanzhou, Industrial Bank Has Created the First Payment Comprehensive Service Unit for Taiwan Businessmen and Enterprises in Fujian

Recently, under the guidance of the Quanzhou Branch of the People’s Bank of China, the Quanzhou Branch of Industrial Bank and the Derun Industry Park invested by Taiwan businessmen in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, worked together to create the first payment comprehensive service unit for Taiwan businessmen and enterprises in Fujian, which is put to be used.

“Thanks to this unit, and it brings us lots of convenience,” Mr. Zhang, a Taiwan compatriot who was consulting with employees of Industrial Bank at the service hall of the Derun Industry Park, said gladly. Though the unit is small, it is well-functioned. Different poster foldouts in Traditional Chinese Characters were put orderly, and the electronic display screen set there let Taiwan compatriots know the latest policies. Besides, the unit also provides convenient payment services including the opening of a bank account, the coin purse exchange and the business reservation.

It has been reported that the Derun Industrial Park was established in 2013, serving as the entrepreneurship and employment base for the youth of Taiwan in Quanzhou. Since its establishment, the Quanzhou Branch of Industrial Bank has established a cooperative tie with it to provide credit fund services for Taiwan enterprises in this park and help them reach “fast development”. Recently, Industrial Bank has established the online “ecological service platform by Industrial Bank for the Derun Industrial Park”, promoting the digital management of the park.

A principal of the Management Department of Fujian branches of Industrial Bank said: “We have established 43 park systems in Fujian Province. The financial asset scale of customers in the parks has reached 210 billion yuan. By establishing systems, Industrial Bank provides diverse services for enterprises, operators, and management committees in parks, improving the digital transformation of those parks.”

In Zhangzhou, Industrial Bank has established “ Inclusive Finance+Smart Agricultural Batch System” for the Jiaomei Farmers’ Market in the district invested by Taiwan businessmen, addressing the challenges of digital operation and management in markets and stalls. In Xiamen, Industrial Bank integrated finance and intellectuals for enterprises in the Haicang Taiwan Businessmen Investment Park, providing financing package services including industrial investment, project building, working capital, and individual financing needs for enterprises in the park. In Fujian, Industrial Bank has co-hosted the government-bank-enterprise docking meeting with the Management Committee of the Fuzhou Investment Area by Taiwan Businessmen, bringing financing convenience to Taiwan enterprises.

Both sides of the Taiwan Straits are one family. Fujian is the renowned hometown of overseas Chinese and is the main ancestral home for Taiwan compatriots. Industrial Bank, the only national joint-stock commercial bank headquartered in Fujian Province, has implemented the “Action Plan to Support the Construction of the Cross-strait Integration Demonstration Zone”, setting up 17 branches mainly serving Taiwan and a cross-strait financing service center, providing financial support for Taiwan compatriots and enterprises to develop in Fujian. As of the end of March 2024, Industrial Bank has provided over 5.1 billion yuan for Taiwan compatriots and enterprises in Fujian. The accumulated absorption of domestic and foreign currency interbank deposits from Taiwan-invested banks has reached 11.18 billion yuan, and the accumulated funds from Taiwan-invented banks domestically and internationally have reached 47.4 billion yuan.