Industrial Bank Has Become the First Bank in China Awarded the Fifth Class Authentication Certificate Service Capability Maturity of Data Center by ITSS

Recently, Industrial Bank (CIB) has become the first bank in China awarded the Fifth Class (the excellent level) Authentication Certificate Service Capability Maturity of Data Center (GB/T 33136) by ITSS. It marks CIB’s operation and management in its data center reaching an excellent level in the industry, showcasing CIB’s outstanding operation abilities and technological innovation abilities.

“Information Technology Service—Service Capacity Maturity Model of Data Center” (GB/T 33136-2016) is an authoritative national standard of the data center in the IT serving field. It scientifically divides the maturity degree of the serving abilities of data centers and provides elevation methods and models, aiming to guide the establishment of services of the data centers, and measuring the service management level of the data center. CIB actively participates in the research and establishment of GB/T 33136 and practices it. In 2017, CIB went through the first batch of evaluations by the data center, and its service capability maturity degree reached the fourth level.

In recent years, CIB has pursued a fast digital transformation and deeply promoted the establishment of an integrated operation system of data centers. A principle of the Scientific and Technologic Management of CIB said: “During the process of exploring and enhancing five-start abilities, following an “enterprise- level and standardized” methodology, CIB continuously enhances the management level of maintenance services of the data center, and fast releases the scientific and technological productive powers to maintain a stable and safe operation.”