Industrial Bank Co., Ltd

Announcement on the Resolutions of Twenty-second Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors

The Industrial Bank Co., Ltd (the“Company”) and all members of the Board of Directors hereby warrant that the information contained in this announcement is true, accurate and complete, and assume joint and several liabilities for any false representation, misleading statement or material omission.

The 22nd meeting of the fifth session of the Board of Directors of the Company was convened in the form of voting by correspondence from 10 August 2007 to 16 August 2007. All 14 directors eligible for attending the meeting was present in person. The convening of this meeting complied with the relevant provisions of the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. The following six proposals were reviewed and approved: Interim Results and Summary 2007, Proposal on the Issue of Financial Bonds, Proposal of Establishing Harbin Branch, Proposal on Issuing the First Batch of Credit Asset-backed Securities, Proposal on Establishing Joint Fund Management Company and Proposal on Granting Credit Lines to Hang Seng Bank (China) Co., Ltd.


Board of Directors, Industrial Bank Co.,Ltd.

20 August, 2007