Introduction of function

SMS Service for Individual Clients

"Smart Messenger" Message Service (1 yuan/month, see "Tariff Standards" for details) Notification of Account Activity When you conduct investment and wealth management, transfer, remittance, or bill payment, the system will inform you of the change of the fund in the RMB demand deposit account under your wealth management card via a prompt SMS message. For customers who only activate the SMS notification service of account activity, the threshold transaction amount should not be lower than 100 yuan (included). For customers who activate both the SMS and Wechat notification service, the threshold transaction amount should not be lower than 1,000 yuan (included).
Notification on Failure of Automatic Debit If the automatic debit that you have established at the Bank fails, the system will send you a prompt notice so that you can response on time.
Notification of Due Loans When the loan that you have applied for from the Bank will become mature within one week, the system will send a short message to you, which will help you avoid the risk of penalty interest on overdue loans.
Notification of Incorrect Transaction Password Entry When the system detects that your wealth management card password is incorrect, it will send you a timely notification, which is an effective way to prevent your password from being cracked.
Notification of Balance Exceeding Limit When your account balance is higher or lower than (or equal to) upper or lower limit that you have preset, the system will send you a message of notification.
Notification of Net Fund Value The system will send a short message at a fixed time informing you of the net value of your selected fund on the previous trading day.
Notification of Net Fund Value Exceeding Limit At a fixed time, the system will determine if the net value of your selected fund on the previous trading day exceeds the preset upper or lower limit. If it does, the system will send you a message of notification.
Monitoring of Precious Metal Quotation You may register the monitoring service for precious metal quotation via the IB Mobile Banking APP. When the fluctuation in the price of customized services goes beyond the preset limit, we will notify you by SMS. After the opening of each trading day, we will also send the opening prices of the customized services to your mobile phone.
Interactive SMS Send "cxye#last four digits of the wealth management card" to the special message service number to check the balance of the RMB demand deposit account of the wealth management card.
Send "cxmx#last four digits of the wealth management card" to the special message service number to check the latest 10 transaction statements of the wealth management card.
Send "00 + the last four digits of the wealth management card" to the special message service number to deactivate the "Smart Messenger" service.
SMS Service for Personal Online Banking SMS Guard When you make a transfer or fee payment, do shopping, or modify service functions on the Internet banking platform, you will receive an SMS verification code from the bank.
Remittance Notification After you transfer through online banking, the system will send an SMS to the receiver.
Notification of Login Password Setting When you log in to the Internet banking platform for the first time or after you reset the password, the system will send you a login password notification.
SMS Service for Credit Card SMS Notification of Transaction For any transaction of your credit card account, the system will send an SMS to you as per the authorization or the transaction accounting result.
Reminder of Risk of Important Information Change The system will send you a notification of successful password resetting, card replacement, and advance replacement, cancellation of consumption password, successful change of billing address, card activation, account overdue, results of repayment account, etc.
Interactive SMS Send "30 + the last four digits of the credit card" to any of the special message service number to check the account information on the credit card associated.
Send "31 + the last four digits of the credit card" to any of the special message service number to activate the credit card.
Send "32 + the last four digits of the credit card" to any of the special message service number to activate the SMS service for the credit card.
Send "33 + the last four digits of the credit card" to any of the special message service number to close the SMS message service for the credit card.
Send "34 + the last four digits of the credit card" to any of the special message service number to report the loss of the credit card.
SMS Service of Mobile Banking Remittance Notification After you transfer through the IB Mobile Banking APP, the system will send an SMS to the receiver.
SMS Service of Telephone Banking Notification of Easy Wealth Management Transaction After you conduct an "Easy Wealth Management" transaction over the telephone banking, the system will send the transaction result to your mobile phone by an SMS.
Response to Client Inquiry When you call to check the bill balance, points, and account balance of your credit card, the system will send the response to your mobile phone an SMS.
SMS Service for Foreign Exchange Price Notice When the market price of foreign exchange (middle price) reaches the price (middle price) you have set, the system will send a message to notify you.
Notice on Pending Order The system will inform you of the conclusion or invalidation of your pending order by SMS.
SMS Service for Personal Loan SMS Reminder of Insufficient Balance The system will send you the payment due and the due date prior to the deduction date of the monthly installment.
SMS Reminder of Loan Default The system will send you an SMS notifying you of loan default balance within the grace period.
SMS Reminder of Overdue Loan The system will send you an SMS notifying you of loan default balance after the loan becomes overdue.


1. The special message service numbers for IB are 95561, 1069195561, 1069295561, 1068195561, 1068095561, and 106980095561. For information on communication fees generated from your SMS, please consult your local telecommunications operator.

2. IB will send you notices regarding various services via SMS as needed. If you do not want to receive related business announcement messages from our bank, you can send the message "TD" to any of the special message service numbers or call the 95561 customer service center.

3. The Smart Messenger account activity notification service includes the Smart Messenger SMS account activity notification service and the Wechat account activity notification service.