Knowing and Applying Laws, Enlivening Business and Families—Shenyang Branch Held Salon on Family Property Division and Inheritance for Private Banking Clients

It was revealed from a survey carried out at the beginning of this year by Shenyang Branch that an increasing number of private banking clients were in need of professional guidance on legal issues in their daily lives and business operations to safeguard their assets and control their investment risks. At the same time, working towards adapting to the switch into consultancy driven mode in private banking, as well as to provide comprehensive financial services for local private banking clients, on June 18th, Shenyang Branch organized a salon on legal issues, as a prelude to the coming launch of legal counseling services. Though it was raining heavily on that day, the private banking clients invited all showed up. The private banking center bar was packed with 23 guests, who has assets with us ranging from 6 million Yuan to 100 million Yuan.

The executive partner of Shanghai Wayding Law Firm was invited to explain risks involved in family wealth inheritance and provide professional suggestions and measures on possible problems. The guests are seen noted down the key points while listening to the lecture.

The salon lasted for over three hours, and ended with confirmed full satisfactions from all clients presented. Some of them even asked for the follow-up services on legal issues before they leave, expressing their willingness to participate in such service platform regularly if the opportunities do arrive.

Shenyang Branch plans to launch the program of providing legal counseling services exclusive for private banking clients in July. At that time, a legal counseling platform based in Liaoshen region will support exclusive and professional legal services to private banking clients being backed up by over 200 contracted firm and 3,000 contracted lawyers nationwide. Such services provided by Shenyang Branch are innovative and the debut of which has gained positive responses among clients. The Branch will continuously improve the services so as to elevate the value of private banking in Liaoshen region.