List of Free Services Increased by IB Independently

No. Service item Target Customer Service Content
300001 Opening and replacing magnetic strip debit card Retail clients To provide personal customers with the financial services of opening and replacing IB magnetic strip debit cards.
300002 Non-local intra-bank deposit via self-service equipment Retail clients To provide debit card customers of IB with the service of cash deposit via non-local cash deposit machine (CDM) and cash recycling system (CRS) of our bank.
300003 Non-local intra-bank transfer for personal account debit card via ATM Retail clients To provide debit card users of IB with the service of non-local transfer to other IB accounts via cash deposit machine (CDM), automated teller machine (ATM), cash recycling system (CRS) or Financial Self-service of IB.
300004 Common inter-bank transfer via Internet banking Retail clients To handle RMB transfer and remittance to a corporate account or personal account opened with another bank through the Internet banking system..
300005 Common inter-bank transfer via mobile banking Retail clients To handle RMB transfer and remittance to a corporate account or personal account opened with another bank through the mobile banking system..
300006 Common inter-bank transfer via telephone banking Retail clients To handle RMB transfer and remittance to a corporate account or personal account opened in another bank through the telephone banking system..
300007 Domestic inter-bank inquiry via ATM Retail clients To provide debit card customers of IB with the service of handling inter-bank inquiry via the ATM of another domestic bank with the symbol of “UnionPay”.
300008 Charges for public utilities such as agency salary payment and withholding utilities charges for water, electricity and gas Retail clients To provide the service of agency salary payment to the corporate and institutional customers of this Bank and the service of agency payment of public utilities charges such as water, electricity and gas charges to personal customers.
300009 Inquiry and printing about personal savings account statement Retail clients To provide the personal deposit accounts of this bank with financial information services, including counter transaction history statement inquiries, printing, and electronic banking channels (including mobile banking and personal online banking) for inquiries of statements within the past five years.
300010 Loss report for debit card Retail clients To provide the personal customers of this Bank with the service of accepting written loss report for debit cards (including the loss report for certificates and for both certificate and password) and subsequent service.
300011 Loss report for certificate of certificate treasury bonds Retail clients To handle the business of reporting loss of the certificate of certificate treasury bond and receiving a new certificate.
300012 Loss report for bankbook Retail clients To provide the personal customers of this Bank with the service of accepting written loss report for demand deposit book and fixed deposit book (including the loss report for certificates and for both certificates and password) and subsequent service.
300013 Loss report for deposit receipt Retail clients To provide the personal customers of this Bank with the service of accepting written loss report for deposit receipt (including the loss report for certificates and for both certificates and password) and subsequent service.
300014 Real-time intra-bank transfer via Internet banking Retail clients The service to handle RMB transfer and remittance to a corporate account or personal account opened with this Bank through the Internet banking system, with funds arriving on a real-time basis.
300015 Real-time intra-bank transfer via mobile banking Retail clients The service to handle RMB transfer and remittance to a corporate account or personal account opened with this Bank through the mobile banking system, with funds arriving on a real-time basis.
300016 Real-time intra-bank transfer via telephone banking Retail clients The service to handle RMB transfer and remittance to a corporate account or personal account opened with this Bank through the telephone banking system, with funds arriving on a real-time basis.
300017 Scheduled intra-bank transfer via Internet banking Retail clients To have the system automatically launch intra-bank transfer on the scheduled date according to the date, frequency, amount, the payer’s account and the payee’s account preset by the customer.
300019 Scheduled common inter-bank transfer via Internet banking Retail clients To have the system automatically launch common inter-bank transfer on the scheduled date according to the date, frequency, amount, the payer’s account and the payee’s account preset by the customer.
300020 Intra-bank batch transfer via Internet banking Retail clients To transfer funds into several intra-bank accounts at a time via the Internet banking system, with each batch transferred containing 2–1,000 transactions.
300022 Common inter-bank batch transfer via Internet banking Retail clients To transfer funds into several inter-bank accounts at a time via the Internet banking system, with each batch transferred containing 2–1000 transactions.
300024 Mobile phone number transfer via mobile banking Retail clients Upon the transfer via mobile banking, it allows handling RMB transfer and remittance to a customer’s corporate account or personal account opened with IB by entering the mobile phone number of the customer.
300025 Online Payment Retail clients It includes the functions of activating/closing online payment, inquiring about online payment details, resetting online payment password, and changing daily limits for online payment.
300026 Fees payment via Internet banking Retail clients To pay the charges for various utilities via the Internet banking. The charges for agency payment items may vary from different sub-branches.
300027 Fees payment via mobile banking Retail clients To pay the charges for various utilities via the mobile banking. The charges for agency payment items may vary from different sub-branches.
300029 Real-time inter-bank inward transfer via Internet banking Retail clients It allows launching the authorized payment agreement on deducting funds from the account of another bank into an account of IB via the Internet banking through the Internet Banking Payment System of the People’s Bank of China (Super Internet Banking) and Internet Inter-bank Payment System (IIPS).
300030 Real-time inter-bank inward transfer via mobile banking Retail clients It allows launching the authorized payment agreement on deducting funds from the account of another bank into an account of IB via the mobile banking through the Internet Banking Payment System of the People’s Bank of China (Super Internet Banking) and Internet Interbank Payment System (IIPS).
300036 Urgent loss report (Internet banking) Retail clients It allows submitting an urgent loss report for a non-credit card account registered in the personal Internet banking via Internet banking system. An urgent loss report is only valid temporarily and the customer is required to formally report the loss at an IB outlet within the valid period.
300037 Management of intra-bank accounts (Internet banking) Retail clients To register an IB account under the Internet banking customer ID to manage all the accounts in a unified manner, such as adding, deleting, modifying and sequencing.
300038 Management of inter-bank accounts (Internet banking) Retail clients It allows signing and canceling the “Inter-bank Account Inward Transfer Agreement”, or launching inter-bank account inquiry and inward transfer via the Internet banking system.
300039 Setting of functions and amount limits (Internet banking) Retail clients It includes the services of opening, modifying, closing and inquiring about Internet banking, telephone banking, mobile banking, mobile payment and elf messenger.
300040 Security protection (Internet banking) Retail clients It provides customers with the security protection tools for Internet banking such as SMS password, certificate management and preset verification message.
300041 Modification of password (Internet banking) Retail clients It allows modifying the account password and Internet banking log-in password via the Internet banking system.
300042 Modification of personal information (Internet banking) Retail clients Any Webprotect customer may modify his or her contact address, telephone and email online.
300043 Change of log-in method (Internet banking) Retail clients It allows changing the Internet banking log-in methods via the Internet banking system. The log-in methods include logging in with Internet banking customer ID, logging in with bank account number and logging in with self-defined user’s name.
300045 Cancellation of Internet banking Retail clients Cancellation of the Internet banking service.
300046 Urgent loss report for wealth management card (mobile banking) Retail clients To submit an urgent loss report for any wealth management card registered under mobile banking via the mobile banking system. An urgent loss report is only valid temporarily and the customer is required to formally report the loss at an IB outlet within the valid period.
300047 Management of IB accounts (mobile banking) Retail clients It allows adding an IB wealth management card or credit card for the log-in name as an associated account, and up to 10 bank cards can be associated. Associated accounts may also be deleted, but the registered card for the log-in name may not be deleted.
300048 Function customization (mobile banking) Retail clients It includes personalization setting and setting of home page of mobile banking; and the registration, modification and closing of monitoring SMS on precious metal market quotations.
300049 Security protection (mobile banking) Retail clients The clients are provided with the protection tools for the security of the mobile banking service such as the SMS password and the certificate management.
300050 Modification of password (mobile banking) Retail clients Resetting of the password of the mobile banking service. The clients can change the password of their accounts, change the log-in password of the internet bank or reset their password for online payment through the internet bank.
300051 Cancellation of mobile banking Retail clients Any client may cancel the log-in name of mobile banking, and the canceled log-in name may not used to log in the mobile banking system. However, such cancellation will not affect the mobile banking services for associated bank cards. To close or cancel the activated mobile banking services for a wealth management card, the client is required to log in the Internet banking with a certificate or handle such business over the counter.
300052 Urgent loss report (telephone banking) Retail clients Call 95561 to report the loss of a non-credit card personal account in an oral manner. An urgent loss report is only valid temporarily and the customer is required to formally report the loss at an IB outlet within the valid period.
300053 Management of functions and amount limits (telephone banking) Retail clients To provide inquiries about contract signature and closures of the Internet banking, mobile banking, and inquiries about contract signature of the telephone banking via the telephone banking system.
300054 Security protection (telephone banking) Retail clients It provides the services of opening, modifying, closing and inquiring about elf messenger service via the telephone banking system.
300055 Modification of password (telephone banking) Retail clients It provides the functions of modifying the account password and inquiring the password of telephone banking via the telephone banking system.
300057 Electronic cash recharge for IB cards Retail clients To provide debit card customers of IB with the service of electronic cash recharge of IC debit card over the local and non-local counter, ATMs and intelligent counters.
300058 Deposits and withdrawals at ATMs of IB with corporate settlement cards Institutional clients To provide corporate settlement card cardholders with intra-bank local/non-local deposit and withdrawal services at ATMs.
300059 Intra-bank transfer for corporate settlement card via ATM Institutional clients To provide corporate settlement card cardholders with intra-bank local/non-local intra-bank transfer services at ATMs.
300060 Deposits and withdrawals over the counter of IB with corporate settlement cards Institutional clients To provide corporate settlement card cardholders with intra-bank local/non-local deposits and withdrawals services over the counter.
300062 Personal account management fee Retail clients Provide routine management service for personal accounts (excluding credit card)
300063 Custody transfer fee of over-the-counter business in the inter-bank bond market Retail and Institutional clients Provide clients signing the contract of inter-bank over-the-counter business with the service of custody transfer of the bond balance in their bond custody accounts. Clients may apply for custody transfer of bonds between bond custody accounts opened in several institutions.
300064 Non-transaction transfer fee of over-the-counter business in the inter-bank bond market Retail and Institutional clients Provide clients signing the contract of inter-bank over-the-counter business with the service of non-transaction transfer of the bond balance ownership in their bond custody account. Due to court settlement, debt repayment, gift, inheritance and other non-transaction reasons, clients may apply for a non-transaction transfer of the bond balance ownership in a bond account to a bond custody account of another client of the sub-branch within the same administration in a non-transaction manner.
300065 Corporate large-amount cash deposit Institutional clients Provide clients with large cash deposit services.
300066 Annual fee of corporate settlement cards Institutional clients Provide cardholders with routine management services for corporate settlement cards
300067 Personal cash remittance (into local accounts of this Bank) Retail clients To remit cash of personal customers into local accounts of this Bank
300068 Smart Guard and Smart Secretary Institutional clients Smart Guard: to provide SMS verification code or mobile dynamic password for customers in the trading process via corporate internet banking; Smart Secretary: to provide customers with SMS notification of transaction instruction flowing process and results
300070 Agency salary payment Institutional clients According to the agreement signed with the entrusting unit, the agency unit pays wages and bonuses to its employees' personal accounts through IB Steward, online banking channels or counter channels.
300071 Service charges for the evaluation of carbon assets Institutional clients Combined with the development of the national carbon market, industrial policies and risk discount and other comprehensive means, to achieve effective evaluation of customers’ carbon asset value.
300072 Production cost of IC debit card Retail clients To issue a new IC debit card or replace an IC debit card, including issuing a new IC debit card, replacing a IC debit card with a new IC credit card, and replacing a magnetic strip debit card with an IC debit card, and excluding the Deluxe Card for Collection (Metal Version).
300073 Real-time inter-bank transfer via Internet banking Retail clients The service to handle RMB inter-bank transfer and remittance to a corporate account or personal account through the Internet banking system, with funds arriving on a real-time basis.
300074 Real-time inter-bank transfer via mobile banking Retail clients The service to handle RMB inter-bank transfer and remittance to a corporate account or personal account through the mobile banking system, with funds arriving on a real-time basis.
300076 Loss report for the opening certificate of corporate fixed deposit account/corporate notice deposit receipt/corporate fixed deposit receipt Institutional clients Provide clients with the loss report service for the opening certificate of corporate fixed deposit account/corporate notice deposit receipt/corporate fixed deposit receipt.
300077 Inquiry of account information Institutional clients Inquiry about the account information of customers.
300078 Combined signature and seal management fee Institutional clients To provide the service of combined management of preset seal and signature according to the funds management needs of a customer.
300079 Handling charge for inter-bank transfer through credit card cash installment Retail clients It refers to the service that this Bank transfers into the savings settlement account of another bank the cash withdrawn with the cash installment service offered to a credit card customer of this Bank.
300080 Real-time inter-bank transfer via telephone banking Retail clients The service to handle RMB transfer and remittance to a corporate account or personal account opened with another bank through the telephone banking system, with funds arriving on a real-time basis.
300081 Management fees for pledging accounts receivable Institutional clients According to the applications of customers, this Bank provides them with integrated services including receivables ledgering and collection of accounts receivable, and accounts receivable pledge financing.
300082 Account opening service fees of over-the-counter business in the inter-bank bond market Retail and Institutional clients Open a bond custody account for clients at China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd. and provide related settlement services of over-the-counter business in the inter-bank bond market.
300083 The handling charges for remittance of payments for studying abroad Retail clients Remittance handling charges and telecommunication fees arising from clients’ payments for studying abroad through mobile banking.
300084 Payment system message handling fees Institutional clients The inquiry and inquiry response business launched by clients through the payment system..
300085 Handling fees for reproduction of paper credit card statements Retail and Institutional clients To provide customers with statement service to have them accessible to the transaction details (excluding the express delivery fees collected by this Bank).
300086 Handling fees for credit card sales slip retrieval request (duplicate) Retail and Institutional clients To provide customers with the service of sales slip duplicate retrieval in the circumstances where the customers have questions about the transactions listed on the statements and need to make a retrieval request for the sales slip.