
Product Definition    Features    Guide    Loan DIY

Product Definition

It refers to the credit business where the borrower applies for a certain amount of RMB loan from IB and receives such loan from IB self-service channels with the undue local/foreign exchange fixed deposits, certificate treasury bonds as the pledge in his/her IB card (the self-service channels include internet banking and mobile banking at present).


It solves clients' short-term financing demand with simple, convenient and quick procedures.


• Application requirements

1. Applicants must be Chinese citizens (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan residents) aged above 18 or above with full civil capacity and repayment ability;

2. Applicants must put undue local/foreign exchange fixed deposits, certificate treasury bonds as the pledge in his/her IB card as required by IB.

3. Other loan requirements specified by IB.

• Loan line, tenure and interest rate

1. If fixed deposits are used as the pledge, the minimum amount of loan shall be RMB 1,000; if certificate treasury bonds are used as the pledge, the minimum amount of loan shall be RMB 5,000, and the loan must be increasing by RMB 100.If the currency of pledge is RMB, the pledge rate may not exceed 90%; if the currency of pledge is foreign exchange, the pledge rate may not exceed 80%.The specific loan amount shall be subject to the information provided by IB at business handling channels.

2. The loan may exceed one day but not one year and cannot be extended. The loan cannot be repaid in advance at the date of grant, and shall not exceed the maturity date or valid term of the pledge (except for the fixed deposit that is set for automatic redeposit).

3. The specific loan amount shall be subject to the information provided by IB at business handling channels.

• Mode of repayment

The principal and interest shall be repaid on a lump-sum basis when the term of the loan ends.

Service Procedure:

1. Sign the agreement and activate self-service pledge loan

Borrower can apply for activating the function and sign the Personal Self-service Pledge Loan Agreement of Industrial Bank; he/she can also log on individual account via Internet banking (our clients with electronic certificate only) or mobile banking and sign the Personal Self-service Pledge Loan Agreement of Industrial Bank to activate the function by self-service.

2. Borrower applies for loan at Internet banking or mobile banking, and loan will be granted accordingly;

3. Borrower repays the loan

Application materials for signing agreement at our outlets:

1. Valid ID documents of the borrower

2. IB card of the borrower

3. Personal Self-service Pledge Loan Agreement of Industrial Bank

Loan DIY

Operation on Internet banking

Operation on mobile banking

You can activate/close the function of self-service personal pledge loan, receive and repay the loan, and inquire loan details by logging on www.cib.com.cn or mobile banking and choosing "Loan financing"-"Self-service pledge loan", allowing you to enjoy the benefits of DIY loan while staying at home.

Transaction reminder:

The banking system carries out accounts processing between 20:00-24:00 each day, and grant, repayment, inquiry and other services will be suspended on Internet banking and mobile banking during the period. Please handle your business in other periods.

(The above contents can only be used as reference. The availability of the business and the specific requirements are subject to the regulations of local IB branches. Please consult the local IB branches for details before going through relevant formalities.)