Purchase foreign exchanges for personal use

Functions    User's guide    Procedures


It means residents apply to purchase foreign exchanges at designated banks with required materials for personal uses such as travel abroad, pilgrimage, visiting family members, medical treatment abroad, self-funded study-abroad, business study, training abroad, employment, payment of international organization membership fee abroad, mail-order abroad, settle down abroad, help immediate family members abroad and international communications.

[User's Guide]

An annual quota of 50,000 USD or the equivalent currencies can be purchased by each person in each year. "Each year" means a Gregorian year from Jan 1 to Dec 31. Unused balance in the previous year cannot be used in the next year.

Foreign exchange purchased can be remitted outwardly into one's own foreign exchange deposits account or carried across the border in line with relevant regulations. To withdraw foreign cash worth 10,000 USD or less after purchase of foreign exchanges, one can handle at a bank directly; for amount above 10,000 USD, one have to report to local foreign exchange bureau with its ID card and cash use documents, and our bank will provide cash based on relevant certificates issued by foreign exchange bureau.


Purchase foreign exchange under the annual quota:

1) If you handle it by yourself, please provide effective ID card.

2) You can entrust immediate family member to handle on your behalf if you are not available, and ID cards of both the principal and the agent, the family relation certificate and a power of attorney are required.

Purchase foreign exchange beyond the annual quota:

1) If you handle it by yourself, please provide effective ID card and demand certificate with actual amount, and, after our bank's review, you can purchase foreign exchanged without amount limits according to your actual needs.

2) You can entrust others to handle on your behalf if you are not available, and ID cards of both the principal and the agent, a power of attorney and a demand certificate with actual amount are required.