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Green Financing Policy Keeps Changing

On March 13, the Environmental Protection Department, World Bank and IFC signed a memorandum for long term cooperation in green finance. According to the memorandum, the parties will engage in cooperation in the following aspects: 1. conduct implementation evaluation work on green financing policy and draw up China Green Financing Annual Report; 2. conduct relevant training on the “Equator Principles”, “Performance Criteria” and “Industry Environment, Health and Safety Guide” to foster professional “green credit” talent in environmental protection departments and commercial banks so that they can conduct further training in their organizations and thus promote the implementation of environmental policies; 3. look into favorable policies for those financial organizations which have already implemented green financing, offer support in regard to finance and tax; 4. the parties launch research work in another area of the green capital market, i.e. the research of green securities policy. This collaboration constitutes a powerful move to promote energy-saving & emission reduction, promote the adjustment of industry structure and stimulate economic development. (source: Tencent News)