About IB

The Legal and Compliance Department of Industrial Bank was Invited to Attend the Symposium on Green Finance and Sustainability of Enterprises Sponsored by KPMG

On September 26, 2011, the Legal and Compliance Department of Industrial Bank (IB), upon invitation, dispatched representatives to Shanghai to attend the roundtable symposium on green finance and sustainability of enterprises held by KPMG, and participated in interactive discussions on topics like “how should Chinese financial institutions respond to the influence of environmental and social trends in an active way”.

The symposium mainly invited foreign-funded banks that have branches in Shanghai, aiming to demonstrate the progress made by the Chinese banking industry in social responsibility and sustainable development, and discussed with them on how to better cope with the influence of environmental and social trends. The sponsor specially invited Deputy Director-General Chen Sheng of the Department of Policies, Laws and Regulations of the CBRC, and Manager Sun Yiting of the Sustainable Bank and Finance of World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) to deliver special speeches. They introduced the progress of Chinese-funded banks in performing their social responsibilities and the insufficiency of foreign-funded banks in performing their social responsibilities in China, and also called on the financial institutions, as the hubs of resources deployment to lay stress on the role of alleviating environmental and social risks.

Upon the request of the sponsor, representatives of IB introduced the strategic consideration of IB in adopting the Equator Principles and its practice of the principles over recent years. Additionally, IB strengthened its communication and exchange with foreign-funded banks through the platform established by the meeting, sharing good practices in the field of sustainability with each other.