Promote Finance Education to the Public

Centering on the public education campaign of the banking industry themed “harmonious finance, happy life”, IB has actively kept organizing public education services to publicize and popularize financial knowledge, strengthen the risk awareness of consumers, advocate rational consumption, guide consumers to make use of financial services of banks in a skilled way, improve the life quality of common people, and promote the harmonious social, economic and financial development.


In 2016, with the purpose of popularizing financial knowledge, improving financial literacy and building harmonious finance, IB conducted various public education service activities on topics such as "Financial Knowledge into Thousands of Families", "Financial Knowledge Popularization" and "Promotion Month of Monetary and Financial Knowledge". Through theme salons, knowledge lectures, face-to-face interviews and quizzes, parent-child play and education, IB's branches popularized the financial knowledge of new RMB anti-counterfeiting, investment and wealth management, network security for bank card and other financial knowledge to enhance financial customers' consciousness of financial safety and literacy and build a harmonious financial environment. The whole bank invested RMB 6.5692 million in public education service and organized 2,399 special events of public education, with accumulatively 10,675 activities, 4.812 million targeted customers, 3.356 million copies of materials distributed and 32,000 employees at present.

In 2009, IB Kunming Branch guided all sub-branches to carry out community-based financial activities and regularly organized the wealth management exchange program named “Wealth Forum” to popularize financial knowledge, bring the knowledge about wealth management product, personal real gold trading, fund, personal housing loan, and credit card etc to communities and common families.

In August 2009, IB Ningbo Branch held a children-oriented summer vacation wealth management lecture for the kids in Mingdong Community. With interactive activities regarding financial and wealth management knowledge, the kids attending the lecture learned the importance of money and hardship suffered by their parents in making money, and how to manage their pin money and make investment with their gift money received at the Spring Festival. They also learned the categories of wealth management products and wealth management knowledge. In the meantime, the parents of these kids also realized that they should teach their children the knowledge about wealth management as they were a small kid. What is important was that they should, with the knowledge of wealth management, help their kids to create a good life in the future in virtue of the power of judgment and selection.

On November 20, 2010, IB had an active presence in the large outdoor publicity campaign on the theme of “building a safe card-using environment and serving the frog-leap development of the Western Taiwan Straits” organized by Fuzhou Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, carefully explaining the knowledge on the safe use of bank cards and prevention of financial fraud. Our bank printed and circulated the Safety Manual for Users of Wealth Management Cards to further popularize the knowledge on card-using safety among the general public and improve their awareness of risks in using cards effectively.

On June 19, 2010, IB Nanning Branch organized the activity of “IB, My Career – Popularization and Promotion of Financial Knowledge”, publicizing knowledge on combat against counterfeit money, investment and wealth management, and provide customized wealth management plans for community residents free of charge as needed, so as to help them to build a correct investment and wealth management concept.

In 2010, IB Shanghai Branch went to the key residential quarters in every district of Shanghai to carry out the publicity of “Three Sets of Measures and One Set of Guidelines”, describing the contents of relevant regulations and intensifying the legal awareness of residents to the management of loan process, supervision of loan purposes and prevent of loan risks. The activity covered more than 200 residential quarters.

In 2011, in responding to the campaign of “Financial Knowledge Popularization March” organized by the China Banking Association (CBA), IB organized a variety of financial knowledge popularization and promotion activities to guide consumers to get familiar with and use various financial services in an experienced manner. In combination with product promotion, IB has organized more than 40 publicity activities regarding financial knowledge and products such as business promotion, commercial circle tour and market tour, covering 15,000 person-times. In addition, centering on the financial knowledge themes such as interest rate, credit reporting, wealth management, and card-using safety, the bank went to residential quarters, shopping centers, wholesale markets, and schools, carrying out 200 publicity activities in the form of field promotion and questionnaire survey, covering over 50,000 person-times.

• IB launched the publicity of safety in using bank cards to strengthen the safety awareness of consumers in using cards and prevent criminal behaviors targeting at bank cards. The bank designed and printed unified posters and foldout leaflets for publicizing the knowledge on the safety of bank cards. The first more than 3 million pieces were distributed to all branches in the first ten days of August, all of which were required to put up and place them at the outlets and circulated to consumers in areas with high flow of people including square and community.

• IB organized the activity of “Survey on Financial Consumers”. Setting it as main objectives to improve financial service and publicity of the bank, adapt to the needs of customers and enhance customer experience, IB designed a unified questionnaire for the survey on financial consumers with contents covering the attention of customers given to financial knowledge and the bank’s development, and appeals of customers, organizing a survey on financial consumers across the entire bank.

• IB implemented the requirements of regulatory authorities for the policies on charges of banking services. In combination with policy publicity and implementation arrangement, IB actively cooperated with China Banking Association (CBA), publicizing the industrial rules to all social circles extensively and meanwhile, providing detailed and specific information to describe the issues that the general public was concerned with and that were easy to give rise to disputes in particular.

• IB launched the campaign to popularize and promote financial knowledge. The bank organized publicity teams to “go to parks, communities, shopping centers, suburbs and markets”, carrying out campaigns to popularize and promote financial knowledge covering anti-money laundering, SME credit reporting, “Business Express” payment and settlement, latest wealth management information, and service channels of internet banking, and mobile banking by way of publicity desk, outdoor site and customer visit.

In 2011, IB also carried out the publicity combat against counterfeit money to improve the capability of the general public to identify counterfeit money; launched the education on financial risks to enhance the awareness of citizens to prevent financial fraud; organized various knowledge lectures, investment report meeting, training of new business to upgrade the financial understanding of the general public.