Corporate Banking

International Service Agency

1. Product Profile

The international service agency is the agency service for international businesses offered by the Bank targeting at small and medium financial institutions (including banks and finance companies), covering the agency service for international settlement as well as credit enhancement, trade financing and foreign exchange settlement and sale which are developed from the agency service.

2. Advantages

(1) Businesses of small and medium financial institutions for which the Bank can serve as an agency include international settlement, credit enhancement, trade financing and foreign exchange settlement and sale;

(2) Small and medium financial institutions can provide customers with services regarding international businesses via the Bank, thus retaining their customers.

3. Target Customers

Small and medium financial institutions at home that need to handle foreign exchange service with the Bank serving as an agency.

4. Business Procedures

(1) Small and medium financial institutions enter into cooperation agreement with the Bank;

(2) If an institution requires credit enhancement and trade financing, the institutional credit line must be approved by the Bank.

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